First of all wishing all the Christian community a very happy Christmas day. Now what is boxing day ? 🥊🥊 ?? No its not boxing. Also recently I came across a sport called ‘Chess boxing’ 😑. I think a separate blog is required to discuss about this hilarious absurd sport. The moment I hear boxing, this chess boxing pops up in my mind. So it is neither boxing nor chess boxing. What it is then 🤔? Gifts are given in boxes after Christmas hence the term boxing day. I always used to wonder why there is a cricket test match in Australia on every boxing day ? And specifically the match happens in MCG. This is just to squeeze as much profit from the audience.
The cricket in Australia is just fabulous and interesting. As an avid cricket fan during my childhood days, I used to wake up early in the morning to watch the test match. Even though there was exam or test, watching matches were never compromised 🙂 Such was the craze for this sport. I never used my loaf to think why the matches are on this day. Anyways so tomorrow we have a match between India vs Australia. Series is well balanced. I am thinking to wake up early in the morning to have a glimpse of this match 😎. MCG ground will be full pack stadium.
Not only Cricket, even the EPL matches are held on boxing day. Big derby matches are kept on this day to gain much profit. Everything is business, as simple as that. City loosing so many matches on the streak has actually opened the doors for others to clinch the title and go to top 4. I hope city just gains back its momentum and finish at least in top 4 🙂
If I get a chance I will change this day to ‘Christmas gift box day’ or ‘Gift day’ or something else….Seems I am overthinking now 😎. They made it confusing with a name of sport 🙂 Anyways enjoy your day !!!